Talent Matters
Talent Agenda Series
Do you want to position your brand at the heart of human capital innovation in Africa?
Have you got a message that you want to communicate about leading the talent agenda?
Talent Matters: The Human Capital Supplement, is a quarterly publication in African Business Magazine, reaching over 300,000 decision makers, business leaders and policy shapers in over 80 countries.
Each edition will explore a particular topic or theme through a variety of editorial content pieces, opinions and perspectives from HR and business leaders across a range of local, regional, pan-African and multinational brands. But the key focus is always on talent and how to unlock talent within your company.
A multi-channel campaign with Global Career Company and African Business can help you tell a powerful people story across the continent.

2020 Supplements
Diversity in African Talent
March 2020
Is the glass ceiling still holding back women in Africa from entering the boardroom. As we enter the third decade of the new millennium, what more can organisations be doing to develop a diverse workforce, and benefit from the capability and bottom line growth that comes with it?
This edition of Talent Matters will explore some of the initiatives that leading brands are implementing to develop a diverse workforce, with expert views from leaders who are already benefiting from diverse teams, as well as discussing how you can deliver on your diversity agenda.
SME Development
June 2020
Small and medium enterprises are the bedrock of economic growth across Africa. As these economies expand, the opportunity and competitiveness of local and SMEs is fundamental to regional growth. Robust supply chains, and access to international trade are essential if these emerging businesses are to thrive, but talent will make or break them.
This edition of Talent Matters will explore local content, taking a pan-African perspective on SME growth and development. We will discover the stories of family-owned brands, and the ways that SMEs are integrating with big business.
Employer of Choice 2020
August/September 2020
Now in its 5th year, the annual Careers in Africa Employer of Choice survey reveals the international and African brands that professionals most want to work for, and the perceptions of employee experience across the continent. Every business leader and HR professional knows that a great employee experience can make the difference between hitting and missing business targets, so it’s more important than ever that organisations continue to optimise this experience.
This edition of Talent Matters will explore the outcome of the study in detail, with expert views on what companies can do ensure they are able to deliver on the opportunities that they present.
November 2020
Leadership is about impact, and a lasting legacy of change and growth. Leaders who show passion, inspire, set direction and respect and nurture talent are also critical factors when attracting and retaining talent and driving employer brand affinity. A leaders vision for the future is now their most important trait, and taking their brand on a journey towards this vision is all important.
This edition of Talent Matters will focus on the business and HR leaders who are changing Africa. We will explore their stories, learning about how to champion your employer brand and lead in 2020.

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